Friday, March 7, 2014

Vermilion Tollbooth

Vermilion Tollbooth

         Planet Earth, 2090.  The nations of the world are nearing the end of their reconstruction from previous wars and invasions, except for the Third Cold War.  That’s still going on.  The world is a near wasteland planet, half dispersed with ruined skyscrapers, fallen landmarks, and rampant jungles, save for the few remaining cities.  They remain strong and supporting the world.  Most cities of the world have been reduced to salt.  The people of the nations woul be finished reconstructing were it not for a nuisance still crawling about from the wars, reminding the survivors of their sins.  Goblins.  The voracious beasts live outside the cities in the jungles, deserts, and wherever else the little roaches may adapt; bashing, clawing, biting, tearing, and stealing whatever and whomever they wish. The strange creatures ignited the spark for the first war, and may soon begin another.
         However, in a particular community squatting in a desert, there is a chance for change.  A hunter, filled with funk and soul, pushes forward movin and rooving as she steadily trims the goblins’ colonies like a bad hairdo.  Armed with a whip as sharp and snappy as her sense of fashion, she don’t take no bogue.  Her name is a mystery even to the narrator.  But all those who have heard of her know her by the name of Funky Fakhira.  This brick house of a woman is so fresh and fly that begging at her feet are saxophones crying to play her theme song, and bears hips so fine and wide they could crush a goblin’s skull.  Twenty-four years ago, while in the den of a goblin colony not far from Fakhira’s town in the desert, a hunter found a monolith where a mysterious moss grows.  After months of investigation and testing it was discovered that the moss could be used as medicine.  The moss could cure diseases, eliminate cancers, and extend life by another lifetime.  Soon after the find, the moss was gathered for more use for select few members of the community, but never reached outside the town.  Concerned with the change of events in the town, the suits from the Man began investigating the town of Honky Tonk House, but the cats would keep them at bay.  Raised and trained in the ways of a hunter, the duty has come to Funky Fakhira, and it’s up to this bad mamma jamma to guard the miracle fauna and protect her hometown.
  • The goblins are actually failed experiments of human and animal vivisection and gene splicing. Touches on border between what is “man” and “beast.” Also grants opportunity for various unique designs for each goblin rather than all look the same.
  • Goblins typically have range of red to yellow skin color, usually red-orange, but can have any color. Typically skinny, little clothing, loin cloths, mangled speech, distressed looking, use primitive weapons.
  • As Fakhira continues to infiltrate the goblins’ hives, she finds with different visits that they have cave drawings, irrigation, are growing crops, and are developing a language.
  • Fakhira keeps the moss to herself and select few members of hometown for fear of abuse or banning of moss. Afraid of deaths or lives ruined that would come about from a plant that extends life.  Still feels shame and guilt of deaths indirectly caused by her for not spreading gift of life in the plant.
  • Fakhira has fear of death from losing father and grandfather, made worse by withholding the moss. Very easygoing to make up for it.
  • Fakhira is tough, reliable, and dependable, but not abrasive. Has a very easy-going personality, a touch quirky. Isn’t one to judge, but carefully discerns with caution.
  • Fakhira wants to escape out of little hometown, but feels obligated to stay to protect the people she grew up with and knows. Loves them, but wants to live her own life outside and see the cities and deserted lands. Wants to see where mankind once lived.
  • Story touches on cycle of life, balance of nature, what is man, what is beast, the needs of the many, the needs of the few, the desires of one individual, the difference one individual can make, the corruption of authority and the good figures that remain inside still fighting, recurring dawn and sunset imagery to focus on life and death, recurring themes of elements of lie; sand and stone (earth), water, air, fire.
  • Goblins are reason that moss grows, so balance must be maintained to understand and let goblins live. Exchange of actions, understanding, resources, give and take, payments that must be made.
  • Color palette mostly of vermillion, yellow, red, orange, grays, purples. Cool colors outside of desert. Some inside Honky Tonk Town.
  • Different styles of music. Bebop, funk, scat, R & B, soul, rap, house, electro, orchestral
  • Fakhira lives by herself in dingy apartment in town. Has underground hiding spot for moss.

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