Friday, March 7, 2014

Terry and the enemy fina;


Created as one of the original 14 Angels of God. Terry, the angel of manipulation, fell in love with a fellow angel Emily, the angel of kindness. Terry and Emily both eventually fell from heaven to the earth town of Venice Italy, Terry due to arrogance and refusing the ways of God, and Emily because she believed in a stronger love then just the love of God, and so both became fallen angels, stripping them of wings and god-like abilities. Having watched Emily become overly fascinated with the human named Grey, Terry eventually became jealous of his crush becoming overly involved in protecting and looking after the human male. Through his blind rage and jealousy, he began planning on how to send grey to hell to join Lucifer for all eternity. So he went to hell and asked to join Lucifer’s ranks, he was given the chance to join if he handed over a certain human named Grey. Excited by the easy offer Terry eagerly accepted the conditions. Having re-earned wings from Lucifer, terry set out to find ways of manipulating grey so that he may turn to Lucifer. He began following grey, but at every turn found Emily, watching over grey. Terry decided to make the church near grey’s school his base of operation, and began recruiting assistance to achieve his goal. All terry knew, was that to get grey to turn over to Lucifer he had to take him to a special cave that acted as a portal between the mortal world and Lucifer’s depths. Terry knew that if Emily was somehow able to convince grey to journey up the mountain that he would be forever saved and would never fall to Lucifer. So terry, sent out his followers to capture Emily as she was following Grey home. With Emily now out of the way, terry made his move and preceded to capture grey. Terry agreed that this wasn’t the life that he wanted or that he even truly hated grey for stealing Emily from him, whether grey knew it or not, he only knew that he wanted Emily, and he was going to get her no matter what. So he did as the words of jealousy told him and began carrying out his plan to get rid of grey. 

Terry: White cotton dress shirt, along with a white t-shirt, Black denim jeans, and white dress shoes.

Grey: Black skin tight t shirt, cut on the sides and war paint lining his arms and face, black denim jeans lined with pyramids along the thighs, combat boots, and a studded cock piece. Black layered emo style hair.

Emily: Average height, long brown hair. Typical rocker t shirt, and blue denim jeans. Fur boots, and black jacket.

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