Friday, March 7, 2014

Dracul and McQuade world and character draft with references

Dracul and McQuade: The case of The Seven Seals
 Main Characters:
Damien Dracul: Is a Dhampir ( a Half Human Half Vampire hybrid)Demon hunter.  He is reserved, deadly efficient and the serious one of the partnership. He is the son of Vlad Dracul, the Dracula of legend, and a British noblewoman. He feeds off of Vampire blood to prevent his natural bloodlust from harming humans. He also has an obsessive almost comedic hatred of the Twilight Movies. He became a demon/vampire hunter when he realized his father’s kind were nothing but rabid beasts who will stop at nothing from wiping out humans. He also fights with an enchanted cane sword(his favorite weapon) and a .9 mm (which he rarely uses)

Jim McQuade: Is a Werewolf, he is tall, burly, reckless, and essentially the Riggs to Damien’s Murtaugh. He was born in a desert den of werewolves in Arizona, and lives out of the R.V. his parents gave him after he graduated college in Southern California and uses the RV as his and Dracul’s base of operations. While he was in college he develops a love of surfing and a surf board can always be seen mounted to the top of his RV. He loves Surf rock, Metal and Grunge rock from the 90’s. He is also a cat lover and has a pet tuxedo cat names Hercules. McQuade hardly uses weapons because HE is his weapon.

Frankie Bones: once an Honorable Cop now The new angel of death. He was nicknamed Frankie Bones because he was always a skinny man in life. He replaced the original death, Azrael, after Azrael was vanquished by the greater Demon Azazel. He wears a ratty black trench coat and a wide brimmed undertaker’s hat. With black cargo pants and doc martins

Azazel: Greater demon, the General of Lucifer’s Army. In his Human form he resembles a 6 ft tall dark skinned man with straight black hair and always wears red clothes. His demon form is 9 ft tall with red skin, bat wings jutting from his back, black horns and black eyes; as well as bony spikes coming from his deltoids and elbows.

La Chupacabra: imp like lesser demons that feed off of goats. They are the size of medium dogs and travel in packs. They infest caves in southern New Mexico, Arizona, and all over Mexico. Their increased infestations combined with the increased activity of demon sightings are a sign of demons trying to break the seals keeping Lucifer in place. They have humanoid heads with big red eyes, scaly reptilian skin, fin like spikes coming from their spines and a razor sharp tongue which is used to drain the blood from their victims, primarily goats. They have been known to attack campers in the desert when in large packs.

Lucifer: also goes by Lou, Morning Star, Beezelbub, and Satan. He was once the most beautiful angel in all of God’s court until his pride caused him to try and usurp the almighty’s throne. As punishment for defying God he was sent to hell and marked for all to see. This results in a human form and a demon form. His Human form is a very handsome older man with slicked back hair, appearing to be in his late 40, who always wears fine 3 piece suits and expensive watches. His demon form looks very similar to his human form with a couple of differences, he has black feathered wings, fangs, red eyes and long black horns jutting from his forehead. Being a very vain character, he despises the goat legged bifurcated tail depiction he has gotten stuck with over the years. He also despises Rock and Metal music and is the reason why soulless manufactured pop music pollutes the air waves and why good bands sound terrible after selling out.

Location: our World, just an alternate plane where demons, ghosts, vampires, and other mythological beasts exist. The story mainly happens in the desert of New Mexico and Arizona as well as later where the characters have to fly to the Fertile Crescent to close more of the seals.

Monsters in this story

Demons: they are the soldiers in Lucifer’s army unable to completely invade the human plane until the seven seals are broken and Lucifer is able to finally tap into his demonic powers to destroy heaven and earth.  

Werewolves: A large percent are civil with a few exceptions, werewolves usually live in tightknit commune like groups referred to as dens. All werewolves have control over their transformations EXCEPT during the full moon. The civil ones usually restrain themselves during the full moon, some by checking voluntarily into insane asylums. While most are civil and usually leave humans alone, some don’t care and tend to raid and kill hunters and campers resulting in an increase of werewolf hunters.

Vampires: The diseased Rabid like killing machines feared by most cultures, they appear human but seem pale with inhumanly sharp fangs and mystical powers. They can hear the heartbeats of creatures, turn to mist, levitate, turn to a bat and in the case of Vampire Lords ( Like Dracula

for instance)can turn to Hellhounds
, A giant bat like creature and psychically link with other vampires they sired. Unfortunately vampires cannot go out in the sun due to extremely painful, blistering and in some cases where the vampire is to slow to get out of the harmful UV rays, combustion.

Dhampirs: The half human half vampire hybrids. Unlike their undead parents they cannot turn to mist, bats or hellhounds, they can however levitate, move faster than humans and hear the heartbeats of other creatures, they can go out in daylight and do not have a shadow, making them great at stealth and such. However like their undead parent, they have a bloodlust that is a part of the curse, most feed on animals where a select few, like Damien, have been known to feed on the blood of vampires, this makes Dhampirs feared in the vampire nests of the world.

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