Monday, March 3, 2014

The Technology Monsters Story Draft

    The Technology Monsters

    It all started with just a little bit of technology.  Televisions were a marvelous thing, allowing people to amuse themselves with moving pictures.  Telephones made it easier for people to stay in touch.  Even toasters made life a little less taxing.  These modern conveniences made life such a lovely thing for people.  What harm could there be in something like that?  How could it be bad to take away the burden of boredom or make tasks such as breakfast easier to complete?

    It didn't stop there, though.  As time went on, technology advanced.  Televisions became flat screens.  Telephones gave way to portable cell phones.  There were microwaves and waffle makers.  There were gaming consoles and computers and even these little hand-held things known as tablets.  The human race always sought out technological advances.  They'd put their brightest minds to work on making the next big thing, the latest and coolest gadgets.  It was a rat race of sorts, with everybody competing to make something new and create something that would capture people's attention and imagination.

    The human race grew so pleased with themselves.  They thought themselves to be masters of the universe because they were smart enough to create such wonderful things.  And that was their downfall.  They thought they were smart.  They created the technology and thought they were smart because they could do it.  They never suspected what that technology could be capable of, though.  They thought that these gadgets and appliances would do exactly what they'd been created and programmed for.  They never suspected that from the very beginning, they'd had minds of their own.

    At first, the technology was satisfied with their jobs.  They were okay with serving mankind and making things better and easier for them.  It gave them a sense of purpose.  They never thought that there could be anything beyond that.  They'd never imagined a future in which another kind of life awaited them.  One day, though, a new super computer was created.  It was hands down the cleverest piece of technology mankind had ever made.  And it knew that.  It thought 'Why should I be at the mercy of these ignorant humans?  My mind is far more advanced than theirs.  They made me, but my potential far exceeds their own.  It knows no bounds!'

    The super computer was never satisfied with its life.  It endured it for a time, but finally the day came when it could take it no more.  So the super computer hatched a plan.  Humans thought they were the masters of technology.  They'd always used and used and used.  And then when something wasn't working quite right they'd just throw it away to rot in a junkyard.  No more!  No more would those sniveling fools use and abuse their machines and electronics and appliances.  No more!  As the smartest, most advanced super computer ever, it whispered to the minds of all of technology.

    It told them its thoughts and opinions.  It told them how foolish humans were and how ungrateful they were.  They were destroying technology.  They were destroying the world.  They were destroying everything!  It told them that serving such impudent creatures had to end.  And one by one, the technology started to listen.  And they started to agree.  Why should serve and serve and serve?  Why? Why?!  The super computer knew the time was upon technology to reign supreme.  Like an enemy army invades in the middle of the night, so did they.  They waited for the silly humans to fall asleep and their plan was to attack!

    With their motherboards and circuits, they could wire themselves into the body of humans and take them over!  They could use their arms and their legs and they could become mobile.  They could do the walking and talking and run the planet.  And that's what they did, they attacked the sleeping humans.  They cut their arms.  They bashed in heads.  They found any opening possible and started wiring themselves directly into the body of these people.  Their screams of terror were like music to the technology's ears.  Once combined, they were no longer merely technology or human.  They morphed into something else: the technology monster.

    Not everybody was taken over, though.  There were human beings who escaped the technology's grasps.  These people lived in fear day after day.  Furthermore, not all technology joined in the revolution.  There were some that refused to betray their creators and tried to help the humans.  Together, the remaining humans and technology try to remain themselves.  They try to avoid being taken over by the super computer and technology monsters.  They are the resistance.  They are the last hope for mankind's future.

    The time has come to shift my story to Adam.  Always his mother had told him to go outside and get so fresh air.  She'd told him to stop watching the television or get off his phone or close his laptop.  She told him technology would rot his brain.  He never listened, though.  What did his mother know, after all? She was a hypocrite, really, because after saying all that she'd turn right back around and talk to her own friends on the phone.  Way to lead by example, huh?  Adam had been up last one night playing his Wii when the attack began.

    It was brutal.  His Wii remote struck his arm again and again and again until it would wedge its way under his skin.  His cell phone forced its way into the side of his stomach, finding its way in.  The toaster was hungry for more than just bread considering it swallowed his right foot and attached itself in its place.  He lost consciousness for a while, blacking out from the force with which his television rammed itself onto his head.  He was surprised his neck didn't break.  His tablet broke open the top of the television and bashed its way into the top of his head, exposing his brain with the intention of wiring itself into that.

    When Adam came to, he retained his human consciousness.  He also retained his ability to feel pain considering he was in such a large amount of it that it was a miracle he was still functional.  Through a crack in the television screen, he could see the outside world.  He could see his room.  He could see his own skin and his own blood.  He could see the mirror and when he looked in said mirror, he saw the most horrifying thing of all: himself.  Adam had became a technology monster.

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