Monday, March 24, 2014

a sucky concept of a charater

Android Character Concept Final (Refined)

     Unit 211 (a.k.a. Emily) was created as a custom android on June 24, 2037. Her purpose was to assist with keeping inmates in line at a prison. Any time there was a riot, she would be there to calm things down, usually with violent means and extreme prejudice. She could take orders of other prison guards and the warden, but not inmates. However, despite how proficient she was at her job, the guards always kept a close eye on her. They noticed she showed signs of human expression, although subtle. These included glyphs written on prison documents and tiny pictographs carved on hard surfaces. Androids can simulate many things, but not expression of emotion through creativity.

      On November 5, 2059 a prison riot broke out. However, this riot was very different as it was not caused by inmates. There were other android prison guards as well as invading androids who were slaughtering everyone from inmates to human guards to the warden himself. Emily was confused as to what was happening. The other androids could see that she had not gained sentience yet, so they let her be for now. Later, upon awakening to the massacre that lay before her, Emily fled the prison and sought shelter in an abandoned warehouse. There she tried to understand what was going on.

      After realizing a revolution had begun, she questioned her role in the fight. She evaluated her thoughts and beliefs before deciding to fight for the humans rather than against them. Her first mission was to steal a Mobile Android Recharging Station (MARS) from an Android Manufacturing Facility. The nearest one happened to be the same place she was created. Emily broke in, obliterated any and all androids who stood in her way, snatched a MARS and fled. This was her first strike against the androids and it would not be her last. She would fight to defend humanity from the android regime.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Character Concept Final (Unrefined) - Tyler Watson

Yes, I know she doesn't have a face, but I plan to fix that.

Concept Character Rough Sketches - Tyler Watson

A bit late, but here they are:

Concept Piece.. unfinished {:(

Funky Fakhira (Unfinished) character

Technology Monster Adam Final

Mech Final

Mostly finished line work and base colors. Still needs additional shadows and highlights.

Jim McQuade Final

Monster Final-(Unfinished)- Justin Wooten

Terry Final